40 research outputs found

    Graph-theoretic analysis of multistationarity using degree theory

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    Biochemical mechanisms with mass action kinetics are often modeled by systems of polynomial differential equations (DE). Determining directly if the DE system has multiple equilibria (multistationarity) is difficult for realistic systems, since they are large, nonlinear and contain many unknown parameters. Mass action biochemical mechanisms can be represented by a directed bipartite graph with species and reaction nodes. Graph-theoretic methods can then be used to assess the potential of a given biochemical mechanism for multistationarity by identifying structures in the bipartite graph referred to as critical fragments. In this article we present a graph-theoretic method for conservative biochemical mechanisms characterized by bounded species concentrations, which makes the use of degree theory arguments possible. We illustrate the results with an example of a MAPK network

    Switching in mass action networks based on linear inequalities

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    Many biochemical processes can successfully be described by dynamical systems allowing some form of switching when, depending on their initial conditions, solutions of the dynamical system end up in different regions of state space (associated with different biochemical functions). Switching is often realized by a bistable system (i.e. a dynamical system allowing two stable steady state solutions) and, in the majority of cases, bistability is established numerically. In our point of view this approach is too restrictive, as, one the one hand, due to predominant parameter uncertainty numerical methods are generally difficult to apply to realistic models originating in Systems Biology. And on the other hand switching already arises with the occurrence of a saddle type steady state (characterized by a Jacobian where exactly one Eigenvalue is positive and the remaining eigenvalues have negative real part). Consequently we derive conditions based on linear inequalities that allow the analytic computation of states and parameters where the Jacobian derived from a mass action network has a defective zero eigenvalue so that -- under certain genericity conditions -- a saddle-node bifurcation occurs. Our conditions are applicable to general mass action networks involving at least one conservation relation, however, they are only sufficient (as infeasibility of linear inequalities does not exclude defective zero eigenvalues).Comment: in revision SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical System

    A global convergence result for processive multisite phosphorylation systems

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    Multisite phosphorylation plays an important role in intracellular signaling. There has been much recent work aimed at understanding the dynamics of such systems when the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism is distributive, that is, when the binding of a substrate and an enzyme molecule results in addition or removal of a single phosphate group and repeated binding therefore is required for multisite phosphorylation. In particular, such systems admit bistability. Here we analyze a different class of multisite systems, in which the binding of a substrate and an enzyme molecule results in addition or removal of phosphate groups at all phosphorylation sites. That is, we consider systems in which the mechanism is processive, rather than distributive. We show that in contrast with distributive systems, processive systems modeled with mass-action kinetics do not admit bistability and, moreover, exhibit rigid dynamics: each invariant set contains a unique equilibrium, which is a global attractor. Additionally, we obtain a monomial parametrization of the steady states. Our proofs rely on a technique of Johnston for using "translated" networks to study systems with "toric steady states", recently given sign conditions for injectivity of polynomial maps, and a result from monotone systems theory due to Angeli and Sontag.Comment: 23 pages; substantial revisio

    Identifying parameter regions for multistationarity

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    Mathematical modelling has become an established tool for studying the dynamics of biological systems. Current applications range from building models that reproduce quantitative data to identifying systems with predefined qualitative features, such as switching behaviour, bistability or oscillations. Mathematically, the latter question amounts to identifying parameter values associated with a given qualitative feature. We introduce a procedure to partition the parameter space of a parameterized system of ordinary differential equations into regions for which the system has a unique or multiple equilibria. The procedure is based on the computation of the Brouwer degree, and it creates a multivariate polynomial with parameter depending coefficients. The signs of the coefficients determine parameter regions with and without multistationarity. A particular strength of the procedure is the avoidance of numerical analysis and parameter sampling. The procedure consists of a number of steps. Each of these steps might be addressed algorithmically using various computer programs and available software, or manually. We demonstrate our procedure on several models of gene transcription and cell signalling, and show that in many cases we obtain a complete partitioning of the parameter space with respect to multistationarity.Comment: In this version the paper has been substantially rewritten and reorganised. Theorem 1 has been reformulated and Corollary 1 adde

    On the existence of Hopf bifurcations in the sequential and distributive double phosphorylation cycle

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    Protein phosphorylation cycles are important mechanisms of the post translational modification of a protein and as such an integral part of intracellular signaling and control. We consider the sequential phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of a protein at two binding sites. While it is known that proteins where phosphorylation is processive and dephosphorylation is distributive admit oscillations (for some value of the rate constants and total concentrations) it is not known whether or not this is the case if both phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are distributive. We study four simplified mass action models of sequential and distributive phosphorylation and show that for each of those there do not exist rate constants and total concentrations where a Hopf bifurcation occurs. To arrive at this result we use convex parameters to parameterize the steady state and Hurwitz matrices

    N-site phosphorylation systems with 2N-1 steady states

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    Multisite protein phosphorylation plays a prominent role in intracellular processes like signal transduction, cell-cycle control and nuclear signal integration. Many proteins are phosphorylated in a sequential and distributive way at more than one phosphorylation site. Mathematical models of nn-site sequential distributive phosphorylation are therefore studied frequently. In particular, in {\em Wang and Sontag, 2008,} it is shown that models of nn-site sequential distributive phosphorylation admit at most 2n−12n-1 steady states. Wang and Sontag furthermore conjecture that for odd nn, there are at most nn and that, for even nn, there are at most n+1n+1 steady states. This, however, is not true: building on earlier work in {\em Holstein et.al., 2013}, we present a scalar determining equation for multistationarity which will lead to parameter values where a 33-site system has 55 steady states and parameter values where a 44-site system has 77 steady states. Our results therefore are counterexamples to the conjecture of Wang and Sontag. We furthermore study the inherent geometric properties of multistationarity in nn-site sequential distributive phosphorylation: the complete vector of steady state ratios is determined by the steady state ratios of free enzymes and unphosphorylated protein and there exists a linear relationship between steady state ratios of phosphorylated protein